In the rapidly evolving landscape of wound care, collaboration and strategic partnerships have become instrumental in driving innovation and addressing shared challenges across the industry. The...
An intact and functioning lymphatic system plays an important role in the mobilisation of stagnant lymphatic fluid and moving lymph fluid throughout the body, recycling and returning interstitial...
Diabetic foot ulceration occurs primarily because of trauma to the foot in a patient with diabetes with either peripheral arterial disease (PAD), neuropathy, or both. In patients with neuropathy, the...
Educational topics span the breadth of venous and lymphatic disease, including superficial and deep venous disease, lymphoedema, lipoedema, venous leg ulcers and wound care. .
‘For some time, I thought Apollo 13 was a failure. I was disappointed I didn't get to land on the moon. But actually, it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened.’ .